Selerix Developer Tools
BenSelect Architecture
Supplemental Information > BenSelect Architecture

This section includes a conceptual overview of the Selerix enrollment system.  Developers are introduced to key concepts, such as the fundamental BenSelect architecture and Selerix Data Model, to facilitate clear understanding of the material that follows.  After choosing which development path is best suited for their goal and skill set, developers use descriptive examples to establish a BenSelect integration as quickly as possible.


Architectural Overview

Architecturally, the Selerix Benefits-Selection online enrollment system has four subsystems: enrollment site setup, the end user enrollment site, enrollment data management and reporting.  Selerix provides developer resources that allow customization of each subsystem on the back end, and the ability to access each subsystem on the front end. 

Although developer familiarity is assumed where industry standard technologies are involved, basic concepts are provided to show which technologies are used in conjunction with Selerix developer tools.  The document focus is, however, on how to use Selerix tools to interface with BenSelect to accomplish specific tasks and not necessarily on how these technologies work under the hood.

See Also